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    2023-07-09 11:59 

    “极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北省文化和旅游宣传西安推介会活动到此结束,感谢观看。 This is the end of the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Xi'an under the theme of "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei". Thank you for watching. See you next time!

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    2023-07-09 11:59 

    湖北和陕西共话文旅交流合作,相信湖北和陕西在文旅领域的紧密合作,将充分挖掘两地文化旅游发展潜能、发挥两地文化旅游优势,共同推动两地文化旅游高质量发展。 Hubei and Shaanxi jointly promote exchanges and cooperation in the cultural tourism industry. It is believed that the close cooperation will fully tap the development potential of cultural tourism of the two sides, give full play to the advantages of cultural tourism in the two places, and jointly promote high-quality cultural tourism.

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    2023-07-09 11:58 


    接下来,陕西、湖北两地重点文旅企业签署合作协议。 Next, key enterprises in cultural and tourism sectors from Shaanxi and Hubei will sign a cooperation agreement.

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    2023-07-09 11:55 


    湖北与陕西旅游资源既相通又互补,互为重要的旅游目的地和客源地,双方加强文旅交流合作大有可为。陕西、湖北两地文旅厅签署旅游营销框架合作协议。 The cultural and tourism resources of Hubei and Shaanxi are both interlinked and complementary, so they are important tourist destinations and sources of tourists for each other. There is great potential for the two sides to strengthen cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation. 

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    2023-07-09 11:51 


    第二轮游戏互动环节。Here comes the second round of interactive games.

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    2023-07-09 11:48 

    接下来,将由湖北峡州国际旅行社金牌导游王亓推介旅游产品线路,通过旅游从业者的专业视角,进一步带您走入大美湖北。Next, Wang Qi, the head of Hubei Xiazhou International Travel Agency, is promoting tourism routes and showing you the charming Hubei from the perspective of tourism practitioner.

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    2023-07-09 11:40 


    襄阳都市圈作文旅推介。 Next up is the Xiangyang Metropolitan Area presenting its cultural and tourism promotion.

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    2023-07-09 11:36 



    宜昌带来精彩的歌舞表演《三峡人家等情哥》。 Yichang brings a spectacular song and dance performance called "Folk Songs of Three Gorges".

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    2023-07-09 11:27 


    宜荆荆都市圈进行文旅资源推介。 Next, let's welcome the Yijingjing Metropolitan Area to present its cultural and tourism resources.

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    2023-07-09 11:21 


    湖北和陕西铁路通道畅通,武西铁路更是缩短了两地城市圈的距离,两地市民便捷出游,可畅享一路好风景。此次活动,湖北重点推介武汉都市圈、宜荆荆都市圈和襄阳都市圈。下面,请武汉都市圈进行文旅推介。 The railway connections between Hubei and Shaanxi are seamless, and the Wuhan-Xi'an Railway has further shortened the travel time between the two urban areas. This allows residents from both cities to conveniently travel and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. In this event, Hubei will focus on promoting the Wuhan Metropolitan Area, Yijingjing Metropolitan Area, and Xiangyang Metropolitan Area. Now, let's have the Wuhan Metropolitan Area present their cultural and tourism promotion.

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    2023-07-09 11:17 


    第一轮游戏互动环节。 Now, it's the time for the first round of interactive games.

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    2023-07-09 11:08 

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    接下来,湖北航空、文旅企业发布相关服务及优惠政策。 Following that, Hubei Airlines and enterprises in cultural and tourism sectors will announce their relevant services and promotional policies.

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    2023-07-09 11:02 


    相知无远近,万里尚为邻。陕西和湖北两地铁路、民航交通畅通,往来密集,有利于文旅深度交融和高质量发展。为了让游客“惠”享荆山楚水好风光,湖北推出各项惠民福利活动。接下来,湖北省文旅厅党组成员、副厅长陈武斌发布并解读文旅福利政策。 Situated kilometers apart from each other, Hubei and Shaanxi are still close neighbors. The railway and air transportation between Shaanxi and Hubei are well-connected, facilitating frequent exchanges and contributing to the deep integration and high-quality development of cultural and tourism sectors. To allow visitors to fully enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Hubei, the province has launched various preferable activities for the public. Next, Chen Wubin, member of the CPC Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will announce and interpret the promotional policies in cultural and tourism sectors.

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    2023-07-09 10:51 


    请欣赏由黄冈带来的杂技表演《花仙蝶舞》。Please enjoy the acrobatic performance "Dance of the Flower Fairy and Butterfly" presented by Huanggang.

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    2023-07-09 10:49 



    说湖北,看湖北,湖北旅游如此好!那西安人民眼中的湖北,又是怎样的呢?让我们一起通过一段视频,了解一下。 When it comes to Hubei, seeing is believing! How does Hubei appear in the eyes of the people in Xi'an? Let's explore together through a video and get a glimpse of what Hubei would offer.

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    2023-07-09 10:46 

    时值夏日,湖北有哪些别样美景和畅玩的好去处呢?接下来,让我们一起通过短片《极目楚天 当“夏”湖北》了解一下。 What are the attracting places to have fun in summer in Hubei? Next, let's reveal the answers through a short film titled "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Enjoy the Summer of Hubei".

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    2023-07-09 10:39 


    陕西省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长高阳致辞。 Gao Yang, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, gives a speech.

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    2023-07-09 10:30 


    湖北地处长江中游,灵秀山水的绝美风光,荆楚文化的独特魅力,吸引了众多游客。极目楚天舒,荆楚好风光。接下来,湖北省文旅厅党组书记、厅长李述永上台致辞。 Located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Hubei boasts breathtaking landscapes and the unique charm of Jingchu culture, which have attracted numerous tourists. Gaze upon the sky of Jingchu and appreciate the beauty of Hubei. Next, Li Shuyong, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will deliver a speech.

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    2023-07-09 10:26 

    同时,还有陕西省文化和旅游厅、湖北省文化和旅游厅相关处室负责人,湖北省市州文旅局代表,以及来自湖北和西安的文旅业界同仁、旅游企业代表、省市媒体记者朋友们。 Other attendees include the officials of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Shaanxi Province, the divisions and offices of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, and the Bureaus of Culture and Tourism of Hubei's prefectural-level cities. Colleagues from the cultural and tourism sectors in Hubei and Xi'an, representatives of travel companies, and media outlets from Hubei and Xi'an were also invited to the event.

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    2023-07-09 10:25 

    出席今天活动的领导和嘉宾有:湖北省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长李述永,陕西省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长高阳,陕西省文化和旅游厅党组成员、副厅长郑晓燕,湖北省文化和旅游厅党组成员、副厅长陈武斌,黄冈市委常委、宣传部长李初敏,西咸新区丝路文旅商业管理有限公司执行董事、总经理王鹏, 陕西省旅行社协会、会长马宏伟,武汉天河机场有限责任公司党委副书记程刚。Leaders and guests attending this conference include: Li Shuyong, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director General of Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; Gao Yang, Secretary of the CPC Leadership Group and Director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; Zheng Xiaoyan, Member of the CPC Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; Chen Wubin, Member of the CPC Leadership Group and Deputy Director General of Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; Li Chumin, Member of the Standing Committee of Huanggang Municipal Committee and Minister of the Publicity Department of Huanggang Municipality; Wang Peng, Executive Director and General Manager of Xi'an Xixian New Area Silk Road Culture Tourism and Commercial Management Co., Ltd.; Ma Hongwei, President of the Shaanxi Provincial Travel Agency Association; Cheng Gang, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of Wuhan Tianhe Airport Co., Ltd.

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    2023-07-09 10:19 


    荆州带来精彩的歌舞表演《凤来仪》。 Jingzhou presents a wonderful song and dance performance called "Phoenix's Grace".

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    2023-07-09 10:16 


    ​请欣赏湖北旅游宣传片《大美鄂西》,共同领略荆楚大地的旖旎风光。 Please watch the province's promotional video "Beautiful Western Hubei" and enjoy the beautiful scenery on the land of Jingchu together.

  • 直播列表_fororder_666

    2023-07-07 16:23 

    7月9日上午,由湖北省文化和旅游厅主办的“极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北省文化和旅游宣传推介会将在西安举行。国际在线《直观中国》栏目将对活动进行直播,敬请关注。On the morning of July 9, the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Xi 'an, themed "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei" and hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will be held in Xi 'an and live-streamed via "Direct China" of CRI Online.   Please stay tuned.

湖北和陕西两省人民江水一线、文化一脉。7月9日,“极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北省文化和旅游宣传西安推介会举办,希望更多的西安人民走进湖北、畅游湖北。The people of Hubei and Shaanxi share the same river waters and cultural heritage. On July 9th, the "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei" 2023 Hubei Cultural and Tourism Promotion Conference in Xi'an was held, aiming to encourage more people from Xi'an to visit and explore Hubei.