“极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北文化旅游(深圳)推介会
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    2023-03-08 11:28 


    极目楚天,钟情湖北。心动的理由或许是雅致的荆楚风韵、奔流万里的长江豪迈、神秘莫测的神农架,又或者是侠义凛然的武当、酣畅淋漓的三国遗址,但行动起来的契机只有一个,那就是“我要去湖北”。大美湖北欢迎大湾区的朋友们春游湖北,领略荆楚魅力。“极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北文化旅游(深圳)推介会到此结束,感谢观看。"Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei." People choose Hubei as their travel destination for many reasons. Perhaps it is because of the elegant charm of Jingchu Culture, the energy of the Yangtze River, the mysteries of Shennongjia, the martial ambiance of Wudang, or the ancient ruins of the Three Kingdoms. The beautiful Hubei sends a sincere welcome to friends from the Greater Bay Area to travel in spring and enjoy the charm of Jingchu. This is the end of the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Shenzhen under the theme of "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei". Thank you for watching!

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    2023-03-08 11:25 


    湖北是我国中部的钻石枢纽,广东则是沿海魅力之地,鄂粤文旅企业强强联手,必然迸发出强大活力。湖北、广东两地文旅企业代表现场签署合作协议。Hubei is a significant hub of central China, while Guangdong is a magnificent coastal province. The cooperation of the competent cultural and tourism enterprises in Hubei and Guangdong will inevitably burst out great vitality. Representatives of the cultural and tourism enterprises in Hubei and Guangdong are signing cooperation agreements at the conference.

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    2023-03-08 11:24 

    活动现场推出了惠民旅游联卡、“相约春天赏樱花”大礼包以及湖北春季旅游消费优惠和航空优惠。The tourism gift cards jointly launched by the scenic areas in Hubei, "Encountering Cherry Blossoms in Spring" tour packages, as well as Hubei's spring tourism consumption discounts and airline discounts, are being introduced at the conference.

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    2023-03-08 11:18 


    第70届世界小姐中国赛区总冠军姜思岐推介湖北旅游惠民卡及相关优惠政策。Jiang Siqi, the champion of the 70th Miss World China, is promoting Hubei tourism gift cards and relevant preferential policies at the conference.

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    2023-03-08 11:12 


    湖北省文化和旅游厅副厅长陈武斌介绍2023年度湖北省惠游政策。Chen Wubin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, is introducing the preferential policies relevant to Hubei's tourism sector in 2023.

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    2023-03-08 11:09 


    各地文旅推介官的推介让大家感受到了湖北对广东的情深意切,大湾区民众对湖北也同样是钟爱有加。接下来,通过一段街访视频看看“老广们”心中的湖北印象。The promotional presentations made by the recommenders of the culture and tourism bureaus in Hubei made everyone feel Hubei's deep affection for Guangdong. The people in the Greater Bay Area also love Hubei very much. Next, let's learn about the views of the locals in Guangdong on Hubei through a video of street interviews.

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    2023-03-08 11:07 


    太极拳已入选联合国非物质文化遗产名录,而武当山是当之无愧的太极祖庭。接下来,请欣赏十堰市文游局和武当山文旅局联合带来的情景剧推介——张三丰及其弟子在武当偶遇游客的一段故事。Taijiquan (Tai Chi) is among the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage items, and Wudang Mountains are the well-deserved birthplace of this form of martial arts. Next, please enjoy the sitcom jointly presented by performers on behalf of Shiyan Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau and Wudang Mountains Culture and Tourism Bureau, which tells a story about Zhang Sanfeng, a Taijiquan master, and his disciples encountering tourists in Wudang.

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    2023-03-08 11:01 



    仙桃是鱼米之乡、“中国民间文化艺术之乡”,更是著名的体操之乡,走出了李小双、李大双、杨威、郑李辉、廖辉等多位世界级奥运冠军。接下来,仙桃市文化和旅游局推介官李全红进行推介。Xiantao is one of China's famous food producers and a city with a plethora of resources related to Chinese folk culture and art. It is also a renowned "hometown of gymnastics". Li Xiaoshuang, Li Dashuang, Yang Wei, Zheng Lihui, Liao Hui and many other world-class Olympic champions are all native to this city.  Li Quanhong, the recommender of Xiantao Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:56 



    随州是中国历史文化名城,近期更是因为“网红”局长而火出圈。接下来,随州市文旅局推介官刘鑫进行推介。Suizhou is a famous historical and cultural city in China. Recently, it has been gaining popularity among netizens thanks to the Director of the local Culture and Tourism Bureau. Liu Xin, the recommender of Suizhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:53 



    这里四季有美景,春看山花烂漫、夏玩峡谷漂流、秋赏田园风光、冬享温泉滑雪,这里是黄冈。黄冈市文旅局推介官张安安作文旅推介。Huanggang has beautiful scenery in all seasons. You can enjoy the blooming flowers in spring, raft in the canyon during summer, watch beautiful rural scenery in autumn, and go to hot springs or ski in winter. Zhang An'an, the recommender of Huanggang Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:49 


    十堰市文化和旅游局带来的太极拳表演《天下太极出武当》。Performers on behalf of Shiyan Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau are presenting the Taijiquan (Tai Chi) performance "Tai Chi Originates from Wudang". 

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    2023-03-08 10:44 



    春游万亩竹海,夏享九宫山清凉,秋赏金桂飘香,冬沐温泉沸波,这里是如诗如画的华中康养旅游胜地——咸宁。咸宁文化和旅游局推介官吕瑾进行文旅推介。In spring, you can wander in the local grand bamboo forest. In summer, you can enjoy coolness on Jiugong Mountains. In autumn, you can feel the fragrance of osmanthus flowers. And in winter, you can bathe in a hot spring. Welcome to Xianning, a picturesque health resort in central China. Lv Jin, the recommender of Xianning Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:42 



    天门悠久的历史孕育出厚重的文化。这里有5000多年历史的石家河文化,有1000多年历史的陆羽茶文化,有闻名遐迩的蒸菜美食文化。接下来,天门市文旅局推介官卢瑜芬进行文旅推介。The long history of Tianmen has given birth to a profound culture. In addition to Shijiahe Culture with a history of more than 5,000 years, the city also boasts the tea culture made known by Lu Yu, the "Sage of Tea", with a history of more than 1,000 years, and the famous steamed food culture. Lu Yufen, the recommender of Tianmen Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:41 



    接下来推介的是武汉东湖生态风景区。推介人——武汉东湖生态景区推荐官童瑶。The first area on the list is Wuhan East Lake Ecological Scenic Area. Tong Yao, the recommender of Wuhan East Lake Ecological Scenic Area, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the area's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:37 



    历史文化,是鄂州的厚重底色,它有“湖北之根、武昌之源”之称,是闻名中外的“古铜镜之乡”“三国文化之乡”。鄂州市文旅局推介官廖依进行文旅推介。Ezhou has a long history and distinctive culture. It is known as the "Root of Hubei" and "Source of Wuchang", and is renowned both in China and other parts of the world as the "hometown of ancient bronze mirrors" and "landmark city of the cultures of the ancient Three Kingdoms". Liao Yi, the recommender of Ezhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:34 



    提到宜昌,人们首先想到的就是长江三峡,这是中国最早向世界推荐的旅游线路之一。接下来,宜昌文旅局推介官刘璐作文旅推介。The name "Yichang" always reminds everyone of the Yangtze River's Three Gorges which are part of one of the earliest travel routes recommended by China to the world. Liu Lu, the recommender of Yichang Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, is giving a promotional presentation concerning the city's culture and tourism.

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    2023-03-08 10:25 



    活动现场,宜昌市文化和旅游局带来舞蹈《采茶舞》。At the conference, dancers on behalf of Yichang Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau are presenting the dance performance "Tea Picking".

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    2023-03-08 10:17 


    湖北的春天百花齐放、生机盎然。作为全国热门的旅游目的地,山水游、历史游、美食游、非遗游等各种主题游玩线路应有尽有,到湖北要怎么玩呢?湖北康辉国际旅行社首席推荐官王玉乔推介“湖北春季游9条主题线路”。In spring, Hubei is full of flowers and vitality. As a popular tourist destination in China, Hubei has a variety of themed tours featuring landscape, history, gourmet, intangible cultural heritage, and more. So, what can we do in Hubei this spring? Wang Yuqiao, the chief recommender of Hubei Kanghui International Travel Service Co, Ltd. is releasing nine themed routes for spring tourism in Hubei.

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    2023-03-08 10:13 


    这次活动前期通过媒体启动了话题营销,向大众征集“我要去湖北”的多种理由,民众参与度高,社会反响强烈。结合网友评选,活动现场通过视频发布了“我要去湖北”十大理由。During the preparatory stage of the conference, a topic-based marketing campaign was launched through the media, collecting various reasons from the public for "Why I want to go to Hubei", receiving a high degree of public participation and strong social responses. Based on the assessment made by netizens, ten reasons for "Why I want to go to Hubei" are being revealed through a video at the conference.

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    2023-03-08 10:09 



    湖北的魅力在镜头下让人怦然心动、一见钟情。接下来,请观看由鄂州市文化和旅游局带来的舞蹈表演《心悦君兮》。The charm of Hubei makes people fall in love with this province at first sight. Next, please watch the dance performance "My Heart for You" presented by Ezhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau.

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    2023-03-08 10:08 

    相约春天赏樱花,共享闲适好时光。现在正是赏花踏青的好时节,湖北的樱花开得漫山遍野,灵秀湖北的春天有多美,让我们通过“相约春天赏樱花”主题宣传片来一睹风采。Encounter cherry blossoms and enjoy leisure time this spring. The cherry blossoms are blooming all over Hubei. Now is a good time to enjoy viewing the flowers and have outings. Let's take a look at how beautiful spring is in Hubei through a promotional video titled "Encountering Cherry Blossoms in Spring".

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    2023-03-08 10:01 


    深圳市文化广电旅游体育局二级巡视员杨永群致辞。Yang Yongqun, a Level II Bureau Rank Official of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, is delivering a speech.

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    2023-03-08 09:59 


    湖北省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长李述永表示,深圳是一座充满魅力、动力、活力的国际化创新型城市,是向世界展示中国改革开放成就的重要窗口。当前,湖北正在全面深入贯彻党的二十大精神,加快建设全国构建新发展格局先行区,并且将“建设全国文旅创新高地”“打造世界知名旅游目的地”作为文旅发展的战略目标。我们带着学习的态度、感恩的心情和满满的诚意,诚挚邀请更多企业,到湖北共同发展。Li Shuyong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, said: "Shenzhen is an international and innovative city full of charm, power and vitality, and an important window through which people around the world can learn about the achievements of China's reform and opening up. At present, Hubei is comprehensively and thoroughly implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and accelerating the construction of a national pilot zone for building a new development pattern. Moreover, Hubei regards "building a national innovative hub for cultural tourism" and "creating a world-famous tourist destination" as the strategic goals of its cultural tourism development. With a learning, grateful attitude and full sincerity, we hereby invite more enterprises to progress together in Hubei with a learning attitude, grateful mood and full sincerity."

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    2023-03-08 09:57 

    湖北和广东两地友谊深厚,有大量游客频繁往来,是彼此心目中的最美“目的地”。接下来,湖北省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长李述永为本次活动致辞。Hubei and Guangdong share a profound friendship, with frequent flows of a large number of tourists between the two provinces. They are the most beautiful destinations for each other. Next, Li Shuyong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will deliver a speech for the conference.

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    2023-03-08 09:57 

    出席今天活动的领导和嘉宾有:湖北省文化和旅游厅 党组书记、厅长李述永,广东省文化和旅游厅二级巡视员黄锡忠,深圳市文化广电旅游体育局二级巡视员杨永群,湖北省文化和旅游厅党组成员、副厅长陈武斌,湖北省人民政府驻深圳办事处 党组书记、主任 胡雅南,中国文化传媒集团南方融媒体中心总经理林金华。Leaders and guests attending this conference include Li Shuyong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, Huang Xizhong, a Level II Bureau Rank Official of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province, Yang Yongqun, a Level II Bureau Rank Official of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Tourism, Chen Wubin, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province and Deputy Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, Hu Yanan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Office of the People's Government of Hubei Province in Shenzhen and Director of the Office of the People's Government of Hubei Province in Shenzhen, and Lin Jinhua, General Manager of the Southern China Convergence Media Center of China Cultural Media Group Co., Ltd.

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    2023-03-08 09:54 




    湖北和广东两地历史文化厚重,旅游资源丰富,已互为重要的旅游客源地和目的地。在春暖花开时节,由湖北省文化和旅游厅主办的2023湖北文化旅游推介会在深圳举行,向粤港澳大湾区的朋友们发出诚挚邀请。Hubei and Guangdong both boast their long histories, rich cultural heritage, and abundance of tourism resources. The two provinces have long been important tourist sources and destinations for each other. This time, Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference is hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province in Shenzhen in the warm spring season. Hubei hereby sends a sincere invitation to friends from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

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    2023-03-07 08:54 

    3月8日上午,由湖北省文化和旅游厅主办的“极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北文化旅游(深圳)推介会将在深圳举行。国际在线《直观中国》栏目将对活动进行直播,敬请关注。On the morning of March 8, the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Shenzhen, themed "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei" and hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will be held in Shenzhen and live-streamed via "Direct China" of CRI Online. Please stay tuned.

为加强湖北和广东两地文化和旅游交流合作,加速推动文化和旅游市场振兴,更好地激发和引导旅游消费,促进建设国内旅游市场,3月8日,“极目楚天 钟情湖北”2023湖北文化旅游(深圳)推介会举办。To strengthen exchanges and cooperation in terms of culture and tourism between Hubei and Guangdong provinces, accelerate the revitalization of the cultural and tourism market, further stimulate and guide tourism consumption, and facilitate the construction of a strong domestic tourism market, the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Shenzhen, themed "Gaze Upon the Sky of Jingchu and Appreciate the Beauty of Hubei", will be held on March 8.