国际在线2023-11-09 17:34
湖北和山东共话文旅交流合作,将充分挖掘两地文化旅游发展潜能、发挥两地文化旅游优势,共同推动两地文化旅游高质量发展。江海相约,一“鲁”有你,2023湖北文化和旅游宣传青岛推介会圆满结束,感谢观看。The commitment to cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation between Hubei and Shandong displays a shared desire to fully unlock the potential of cultural and tourism development in both provinces. Leveraging the unique cultural and tourism advantages of each region, the collaborative efforts aim to drive high-quality development within these sectors. Engagement between river and sea, Hubei awaits friends from Shandong. This is the end of the 2023 Hubei Cultural and Tourism Promotion Conference in Qingdao, thanks for watching.
国际在线2023-11-09 17:28
山东省、湖北省重点文旅企业签署合作协议。山东客商与宜昌柑橘企业签署柑橘购销协议。 Cooperation agreements will be signed between key cultural and tourism enterprises of Shandong and Hubei provinces. The citrus purchase and sale agreements will be signed between Shandong enterprises and Yichang citrus enterprises.
国际在线2023-11-09 17:24
湖北、山东心相印,鲁鄂文旅一条心。山东省、湖北省文旅厅签署旅游营销框架合作协议。 Hubei and Shandong provinces have formed a close connection, uniting their cultures and tourism to develop together. A framework cooperation agreement on tourism marketing will be signed between the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province.
国际在线2023-11-09 17:19
湖北省文化和旅游厅二级巡视员官信发布湖北文旅优惠政策。Guan Xin, Level-II Counsel of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, will release preferential policies for cultural tourism activities and events in Hubei.
国际在线2023-11-09 17:09
湖北不仅有绝美的自然风光,还有独特的地域文化和优秀的人文传承。接下来,进入“别样湖北”推介环节,听湖北省社科院原副院长刘玉堂讲讲湖北的山水人文。 Hubei is a province rich in natural beauty, unique regional culture, and exceptional humanistic heritage. Next comes the "Diversified Hubei" session. Liu Yutang, former vice president of Hubei Academy of Social Sciences, will introduce the landscape and culture of Hubei from his perspective.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:58
如今三峡库区是世界知名的柑橘主产地,一年四季均有鲜果上市。湖北省宜昌市农业农村局副局长陈琼作宜昌柑橘产业推介。The Three Gorges Reservoir area has earned global acclaim as a prominent hub for citrus fruit cultivation, ensuring the availability of fresh fruits throughout the year. Chen Qiong, Deputy Director of Yichang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, presents on the Yichang citrus industry.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:55
屈原故里秭归是全国脐橙之乡,屈原在此写下了不朽诗篇《橘颂》,至今为世人颂唱。接下来,请通过音舞诗画《橘颂》共同感受爱国主义诗人屈原的浪漫情怀。Zigui is one of the most popular navel orange-producing areas in China, and also the hometown of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet from over 2,300 years ago. It was in Zigui that Qu Yuan composed the poem "Ju Song", or "Ode to an Orange Tree", which continues to be sung by people today. Next, please enjoy "Ode to an Orange Tree", an artistic fusion of music, dance, poetry and painting, to experience the romantic feelings of the patriotic poet.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:49
除了省域副中心城市宜昌市,宜荆荆都市圈还有全国优秀旅游城市荆州市、有着“荆楚门户”之美称的荆门市,以及一枝独秀的恩施土家族苗族自治州。接下来进行的是宜荆荆都市圈秋冬旅游资源推介。 In addition to Yichang City, the provincial sub-center, the Yichang-Jingzhou-Jingmen Metropolitan Area encompasses Jingzhou, recognized as a Top Tourist City of China, Jingmen, referred to as the "Gateway to Jingchu", and Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, a region with distinct characteristics. The next focus is to promote the autumn and winter tourism resources in the Yichang-Jingzhou-Jingmen Metropolitan Area.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:43
请欣赏民谣弹唱《二马路》《旅行去》,一同感受宜昌这座城市似水柔情的浪漫。 Please enjoy the ballads "Erma Road" and "Go Traveling" while immersing yourself in the romantic ambiance of Yichang, feeling the city's watery tenderness.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:43
下面进入宜荆荆都市圈推介板块。宜荆荆都市圈拥有屈原故里、三峡大坝、荆州古城、屈家岭文化遗址等一大批国家5A级旅游景区,是令人心怡的旅游观光目的地。Next, we will introduce the tourism highlights of the Yichang-Jingzhou-Jingmen Metropolitan Area. This area boasts numerous national 5A-level tourist attractions, including Qu Yuan's hometown, the Three Gorges Dam, Jingzhou Ancient City, and the Qujialing Site, offering delightful destinations for travel and sightseeing.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:32
接下来进行的是襄阳都市圈秋冬旅游资源推介。 The next focus is on promoting the autumn and winter tourism resources in the Xiangyang Metropolitan Area.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:30
从襄阳往北,便是十堰武当山。武当武术是中华武术中的一块瑰宝,接下来,让我们共同欣赏武术《武当武韵》。 Located north of Xiangyang is Wudang Mountain in Shiyan. Wudang martial arts is a treasured gem within Chinese martial arts. Now, please enjoy the performance "Martial Arts of Wudang".
国际在线2023-11-09 16:22
接下来,进入以襄阳、十堰、随州、神农架组成的襄阳都市圈推介板块。襄阳都市圈是湖北重要的文化和旅游板块,区域内拥有古隆中、武当山、炎帝故里、神农架等全国著名景区。首先请欣赏情景剧《三顾茅屋说襄阳》。Next, the Xiangyang Metropolitan Area will be introduced, which consists of Xiangyang, Shiyan, Suizhou and Shennongjia. The Xiangyang Metropolitan Area holds significant cultural and tourism appeal in Hubei, boasting nationally renowned scenic attractions including the Ancient Longzhong, Wudang Mountain, the hometown of Emperor Yan, and Shennongjia. Please enjoy the sitcom "Three Visits to a Thatched Cottage Describing Xiangyang".
国际在线2023-11-09 16:17
游戏互动环节——《勇攀黄鹤楼》。 Interactive Game Session - "Climbing the Yellow Crane Tower".
国际在线2023-11-09 16:13
武汉都市圈秋冬旅游资源推介。Promotion of autumn and winter tourism resources in the Wuhan Metropolitan Area.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:09
接下来,请欣赏用武汉方言创作的嘻哈说唱《武汉魂》。Next, please enjoy "Wuhan Soul", a hip-hop rap created in the Wuhan dialect.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:02
首先,进入“一桥飞架南北,一城连通九州”武汉都市圈推介板块。武汉都市圈以武汉为中心,包含鄂州、黄冈、黄石、孝感、咸宁、潜江等9座城市,铁路、公路、航空贯通八方,是湖北经济发展的核心区域,亦是游湖北的必选之地。The first to be introduced will be the Wuhan Metropolitan Area, a pivotal junction linking nine regions and home to a bridge that spans north and south. The Wuhan Metropolitan Area, centered around Wuhan and including nine other cities such as Ezhou, Huanggang, Huangshi, Xiaogan, Xianning, and Qianjiang, serves as a central hub with extensive rail, highway, and air connectivity in all directions. It plays a pivotal role in driving economic development in Hubei and is a must-see attraction for visitors to the province.
国际在线2023-11-09 16:01
湖北文旅盛情邀请大家,坐着高铁、坐着飞机到湖北去喝喝排骨藕汤、尝尝小龙虾。接下来,武汉都市圈、襄阳都市圈和宜荆荆都市圈分别进行文旅推介。 Hubei cultural and tourism industry extends a heartfelt invitation to all to embark on a journey through Hubei by high-speed rail or air, taste lotus root soup with pork ribs, and try crayfish. Next, Wuhan Metropolitan Area, Xiangyang Metropolitan Area and Yichang-Jingzhou-Jingmen Metropolitan Area will carry out cultural tourism promotion respectively.
国际在线2023-11-09 15:58
下面,我们通过一个简短的青岛街采视频,来看看青岛人眼里的“湖北印象”。 Here's a street interview video where people from Qingdao share their impressions of Hubei.
国际在线2023-11-09 15:55
齐鲁大地、荆楚大地都是一方红色热土、英雄之地,在这些地方诞生了一首首耳熟能详的红色歌曲。接下来,请欣赏红歌快闪《微山湖》《洪湖水浪打浪》。Both Shandong and Hubei provinces have historical significance as red culture bases in relation to the Communist Party of China (CPC). They are known as the birthplaces of heroic figures and have given rise to well-known songs related to red culture. Next, please enjoy the performances "Weishan Lake" and "Honghu Water, Waves after Waves".
国际在线2023-11-09 15:47
山东省文化和旅游厅党组成员、副厅长孙蕾致辞。 Sun Lei, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director-General of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, delivers a speech.
国际在线2023-11-09 15:43
湖北省文化和旅游厅厅长李述永发表总推介词。Li Shuyong, Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province, delivers a speech for the conference.
国际在线2023-11-09 15:35
出席今天活动的领导和嘉宾有:湖北省文化和旅游厅党组书记、厅长李述永,山东省文化和旅游厅党组成员、副厅长孙蕾,湖北省文化和旅游厅二级巡视员官信,青岛市文化和旅游局二级巡视员隋邦儒,湖北省社科院原副院长刘玉堂。 同时,参加推介会的还有山东省文化和旅游厅、湖北省文化和旅游厅相关处室负责人,湖北省襄阳、黄石、黄冈、十堰、孝感、随州、仙桃、潜江、宜昌夷陵区文旅局负责同志。活动还特别邀请了鲁鄂两地重点文旅企业负责人以及两地的媒体记者朋友。Leaders and guests attending today's event are Li Shuyong, Secretary of Party Leadership Group and Director-General of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province; Sun Lei, Member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director-General of Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism; Guan Xin, Level II Bureau Rank Official of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province; Sui Bangru, Level II Bureau Rank Official of Qingdao Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau; and Liu Yutang, former vice president of Hubei Academy of Social Sciences. Other guests attending the promotion conference include persons in charge from various divisions and sections of the Shandong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province. In addition, leading officials from the culture and tourism bureaus of Xiangyang, Huangshi, Huanggang, Shiyan, Xiaogan, Suizhou, Xiantao, Qianjiang, and Yichang Yiling District in Hubei Province will also be present. The promotion conference extends invitations to senior executives of key cultural and tourism enterprises in Shandong and Hubei provinces. Media representatives from both regions are also invited to cover the event.
国际在线2023-11-09 15:31
山东,齐鲁圣地,山海相拥。湖北,千湖之省,鱼米之乡。两地人文相亲,江海呼应,血脉相连。湖北省文化和旅游厅在青岛举行2023湖北省文化和旅游宣传推介会,就是希望更多的山东朋友相约湖北、畅游湖北。 Shandong is renowned as the holy land of Qilu culture, nestled among beautiful mountains and seas. Hubei is distinguished for its numerous lakes, whose fertile waters and land support vibrant fisheries and rice cultivation. The two provinces share geographical similarities and are connected by a cultural affinity. The constant interplay further strengthens their deep mutual bonds. Leveraging the 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Qingdao, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hubei Province aims to attract more visitors from Shandong to explore and experience the beauty of Hubei.
国际在线2023-11-09 15:25
2023年中秋、国庆前夕,湖北省省长王忠林在湖北省旅游发展工作会议上用“一幅美丽的画”“一本厚重的书”“一首激昂的诗”“一座丰饶的园”“一架通达的桥”——“五个一”,对湖北旅游禀赋优势进行了高度概括。请欣赏《湖北“五个一”》旅游宣传片。 During Hubei Province Tourism Development Work Conference held on the eve of the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, Wang Zhonglin, the governor of Hubei Province, highlighted five exceptional features of Hubei tourism. He described it as a picturesque canvas, a comprehensive volume, an exhilarating verse, a bountiful garden, and a reaching bridge. Please enjoy the tourism promotional video "Five Features of Hubei".
国际在线2023-11-09 13:41
11月9日下午,2023湖北省文化和旅游宣传青岛推介会将在山东省青岛国际会议中心举行,多种具有荆楚地域特色的文艺节目将在推介会上呈现。国际在线《直观中国》栏目将对活动进行直播,敬请关注。 The 2023 Hubei Culture and Tourism Promotion Conference in Qingdao is scheduled to take place in the afternoon of November 9 at the Qingdao International Conference Center in Shandong Province. During this event, a range of cultural and artistic programs that highlight the unique characteristics of the Hubei Province, also known as Jingchu, will be showcased. The event will be live-streamed via "Direct China" of CRI Online. Please stay tuned.